Cable animation and simulation

Cable and Pulleys AnimationThe goal of this project is the efficient and stable simulation of cables under a wide range of situations and, specially, under a wide range of tensions.

When the cable tension is high, most methodologies suffer from numerical instability due to high frequency oscillation.

With this approach the dynamics of the cable is split into two models which allow to detect and prevent instabilities before they occur.

Download paper (pdf)


Pulleys and oscillation

Cable mass effect:

2 thoughts on “Cable animation and simulation

  1. Hello,

    nice work!
    I would like to play with it then compare its robustness and accuracy with the Geometrically Exact Dynamic Splines 😉
    Feel free to read my latest publications to have a full state of the art in 2008 (some publications from Audoly and Splillman are missing in my papers).

  2. Hi! Thank you for your comment.
    I'm preparing a clean version of the code. The original version was inside a bigger project, and it could not be disclosed as is. I'll keep you informed if you have interest.
    Sure I'm interested in GEDS, and also in DODEs :o)

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